Welcome to General "Tienchai's official Academy" Grand Master V.
World MuayThai Boran Academy
พลเอก เทียนชัย สิริสัมพันธ์ รองนายกรัฐมนตรี ดำรงตำแหน่ง
5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2529 – 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2531นายกรัฐมนตรี พลเอก เปรม ติณสูลานนท์ ดำรงตำแหน่ง
4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2531 – 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2533นายกรัฐมนตรี พลเอก ชาติชาย ชุณหะวัณ รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงศึกษาธิการ ดำรงตำแหน่ง
9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2533 – 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2534ก่อนหน้า พลเอก มานะ รัตนโกเศศ ถัดไป ก่อ สวัสดิ์พาณิชย์ ข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล เกิด 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2467 (92 ปี) คู่สมรส คุณหญิงประพาฬสิทธิ์ สิริสัมพันธ์ การเข้าเป็นทหาร สังกัด กองทัพบกไทย ยศ พลเอก
พลเอกเทียนชัย ศิริสัมพันธ์
General Tienchai Sirisumpan
The 1st president of the International Amateur MuayThai Federation (I.A.M.T.F.) and World MuayThai Federation (W.M.F.)
Is a Thai statesman and a man of varied talents who held many high posts in the country. He has held the position of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Commander in Chief of the Army of Thailand, Founder of Ranger's (special Forces) in Thailand, President of the Board of Sports as well as having been the Vice-president of Olympic Committee of Thailand.
The General is highly respected in Thai sporting circles with his full commitment to his role as Honorary Chairman of Hellenic Muay Thai Kick Boxing Federation and after Hellenic Amateur Muay Thai Federation. Advisory Committee of the Panathinea Association and his recognition of the importance of the self defense art of MuayThai, he would very much like to see a higher standard of MuayThai being promoted amongst the member countries.
The General Tienchai Sirisumpan
พลเอก เทียนชัย สิริสัมพันธ์
has given in Athens 2001 officially signature and license that we can use his name for the Academy
Grand Master Kru 18 th Radub Xanthakis Vangelis
The following information will better prepare you for your training with our school and fully qualified red band instructors. Our professional staff of red bands along with our assistants are here to help and guide you toward greater self confidence and better physical condition Our training will improve your balance, coordination, flexibility and reactions. Grand Master (v) Xanthakis Vangelis(Rhino) formula will gradually guide you to increasing your confidence, mental discipline, self defence and much more
We will get you into shape while helping you learn self awareness and personal protection.
Grand Master (V) Vangelis Xanthakis (authorized Amarit Muay Warrior Institute).
Class Description
Great for getting in shape confidence weight control fun and fitness A class consists of an aerobic warm-up, basic exercises and stretching: continuing on to basic Muaythai techniques using various training methods such as pad work, kick bag, partner, etc. and then a warm-down with stretching. After getting a basic understanding of the various techniques you will then be able to progress on to the more senior levels which will increase stamina and endurance, including more techniques and systems.
Our aim is to:
Introduce new techniques every day
We focus on every student in the class
We teach each class as if it is our most important.
We implement a student tracking system
We communicate with students and parents often
We focus on positive sincere feedback and encourage often.
How fit do I need to be?
You do not need to be fit to start . We have many beginner lessons for you to attend so that you can take it at your own pace. It won't be long before you notice your fitness level and mental alertness have increased.
How do I start?
Don't just think about it - do it! The biggest and hardest step is going to your first class. Just remember you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Contact Grand Master Kru Vangelis Xanthakis (Grand Master V. World MuayThai Boran Academy)
If you are interested in training at Grand Master Xanthakis contact +30 6974803512 (GR) or +30 213 0428065 TEL/FAX We also have others clubs throughout the Greece please go to our School list to find a Camp in your area.For more information Contact Us
Grand Master V. World MuayThai Boran Academy Academy InstructorsYour Instructors
Grand Master Kru (V)Vangelis Xanthakis
Grand Master Kru V.), is the Head Grand Master of the General Tienchai's World Muay Boran Academy. He was one of the ten Masters in the World (AITMA-KRU MUAY) to bring the art of Traditional MuayThai over to the west over 42 years ago in Martial Arts.
Grand Master Kru Vangelis Xanthakis represented the introduction of Amarit Muay Warrior Institute into the Greece & Tunisian.
Muay Boran (Thai: มวยโบราณ), which translates to "Ancient Boxing", is the predecessor to Muay Thai. Its age makes it hard to trace Muay Boran's origins. Archeological evidence suggests that martial arts similar to Muay Boran have been practiced in several Southeast Asian countries as much as 2000 years ago. The training regimen was probably developed by or borrowed from the ancient military. Matches utilizing this style became popular and such fights became known as dhoi muay (ต่อยมวย), a term now used for boxing and pugilism in general. Originally the fighters didn't wear gloves or socks and the ring was nothing more than an open space with spectators crowded to form a rough circle. Fights went on until one competitor gave up or was incapable of continuing. The original rules simply stated that there was to be no eye gouging, grasping, hair pulling, hitting the groin area or hitting a fallen opponent. Some believe that this form of fight may have came from Cambodia or some other kingdom and spread from there but this is unproven. Either way, the art was adapted to fit the needs of the individual fighters which gave birth to a number of regional styles. Muay Boran was eventually categorized into Muay Thasao (North), Muay Korat (Eastern or North-East), Muay Lopburi (Central) and Muay Chaiya (South). There is the phrase "Punch Korat, Wit Lopburi, Posture Chaiya, Faster Thasao" (หมัดหนักโคราช ฉลาดลพบุรี ท่าดีไชยา เร็วกว่าท่าเสา)
Muay Boran's form is quite efficient, in that it maximizes the amount of damage that each blow can inflict, and effective, in that it can easily lead to the death or serious injury of the opponent. Most notably, Muay Boran emphasizes the use of extremely powerful elbow and knee techniques, and combinations thereof, always thrown at full force and speed, with the intent to overcome one's adversary as quickly as possible, because another one might already be coming close or attacking.
Traditionally, Muay Thai masters would teach the techniques of Muay Boran as advanced Muay Thai but this is not often done today.
Grand Master Kru V. Amarit Muay Warrior Institute Greece & TunisiaINFO FOR TRADITIONAL MUAY THAI BORAN
TEL/FAX 213-0428065 - MOB 6974803512
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